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Back in the day, I would come across a film advertisement in the newspaper and say, “Oh, I must see that!” These ads would appear all together near local entertainment listings.

With movie award season upon us now, I realized that I’m unfamiliar with many award contenders that I would have liked to have seen. I used to be quite the film fan and love the big screen, but now I’m never aware of what’s playing here.

So many other things vie for my attention. I need an enticing prompt to get me to even think about going to a movie. Why aren’t local movie theaters running more ads in LNP | LancasterOnline?

I bet there are many who, like me, don’t suddenly say “Oh, I feel like going to a movie” and then rush online to the various movie theater websites to see what’s playing. Instead, we are prompted to attend because we happen to notice a particular film while reading the newspaper.

I’m betting that LNP | LancasterOnline online and print subscribers would make the theaters’ cost of advertising well worth the price!

Linda Ross


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