
Are you constantly distracted and can’t seem to be able to focus on anything for long? Perhaps you also feel overwhelmed by your tasks and have developed a tendency to procrastinate. You’re not alone, these are common side effects of technology and overall modern life. The good news is that there are strategies to bring our attention back to where it’s supposed to be, such as the Pomodoro Technique.

What Is “Pomodoro”?

It sounds familiar, right? The word “pomodoro” is simply Italian for “tomato”. In the context of productivity, it refers to the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that inspired the creator of this method.

What Is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management and productivity-booster hack invented by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Cirillo found that he was unable to concentrate on studying for his university exams.

Tired of his situation he grabbed his tomato-shaped timer from the kitchen and challenged himself to focus for at least a couple of minutes. When the timer went off, he would be allowed to take a break.

After testing out the method for a while, Cirillo found that the optimal focus block was 25 minutes followed by a five-minute break, which he called a “pomodoro block”. Once every few of these, the break would be longer to better refresh his mind.

This simple scheme was the cure to Cirillo’s distraction problem, helped him commit to short but powerful focus sessions and ultimately allowed him to achieve more in less time. And guess what, the pomodoro technique can do all this for you as well.

How to Use the Pomodoro Method at Work

For getting things done at work, the trick of the tomato-shaped timer can really do wonders. And, don’t worry, you can use any timer! Here’s how to introduce the method into your routine:

Choose your activity.

  1. Set your timer for 25 minutes.
  2. Work on the task you’ve picked.
  3. When the timer goes off, have a five-minute break.
  4. Repeat this process, and every fourth time your timer goes off, take a longer pause of around 15-30 minutes.

Keep in mind that for simplicity and maximum results short tasks such as answering emails or messages should go in the same pomodoro block, while longer, more tiring tasks should be split into different ones. This will allow you to best reap the benefits of the method.

Once you’re used to it, you can easily apply the method to your entire workday. For instance, you could start the day with four pomodoro blocks, and then take a 20-minute break for coffee. Then, work for another four pomodoro blocks before taking 30 minutes for lunch, and so on.

Why Is the Pomodoro Technique So Effective?

There are many reasons why the Pomodoro Technique is so successful and popular with workers all over the country. Here are some of the main benefits:

Feeling in Control of Your Time

Once you start to employ this technique, suddenly time is no longer an abstract concept that keeps slipping through your finger, but rather a measure of your productivity. Being able to complete the tasks you planned in the time you established feels satisfying, and even fun, if you consider the gamification of “winning” against your temptations. All of this in the long run only helps the positive reinforcement of this method.

No More Procrastination

By splitting projects into smaller, more digestible tasks, getting started with any of them feels much easier and less intimidating. The direct consequence is that you’re less likely to fall prey to procrastination, which typically happens when you feel overwhelmed. Take on one pomodoro at a time and trust us, you’ll be good till the finish line.

Say Goodbye to Distractions and Burnout

If you struggle with distractions and concentration, the urgency set by your timer will push you to get things done faster and better, without wasting any time. If, on the other hand, you’re the type that hustles nonstop all day, you’ll learn that breaks can make your work even better by allowing you time to refresh which is crucial for our brain power. Plus, you won’t feel completely drained of energy by the end of the day, which prevents burnout from developing in the long term.

Is The Pomodoro Technique Right for You?

When it comes to productivity, it’s important to understand that Francesco Cirillo’s productivity hack, just like any other hack, is not a one-size-fits-all approach. If you deal with multiple projects at once and have regular deadlines to meet, it’s a terrific tool to help you prioritize and focus on a single assignment at a time and get it done faster and better.

However, it might be more challenging to implement effectively in other situations. These include working in a more unpredictable environment in which priorities can change at any moment, or collaborating frequently with coworkers or clients.

You certainly can’t postpone a meeting with a prospective client because your timer hasn’t gone off yet, right? What you can do though is selectively use the method whenever you have to deal with clerical tasks that need your complete attention.

Above all, the trick is to always think about this technique as an encouraging guide, rather than a strict rule to follow. This is why, if after working with a timer for a while you find that it causes you more anxiety than success, you might want to try other productivity tricks instead.

Tips for Making the Pomodoro Method Work for You

To make sure this popular techniques works wonders for you, check out the following tips that fellow pomodoro method users swear by:

1. Organize Your Focus Sessions

Take a moment each morning to establish what you’re going to do with every 25-minute block before starting. This prevents you from attempting multitasking or dealing with decision paralysis, which only kills your productivity.

2. Tailor the Pomodoro Method to Your Needs

Cirillo determined his ideal focus session after a good amount of trial and error. So, don’t rush into dismissing this technique if the suggested time doesn’t feel right for you.

Instead, experiment and discover what best fits your work. You can also go for different length blocks based on the specific tasks you regularly have to deal with. For example, you might allocate 25 minutes to admin tasks, but reserve an hour for something like writing a client proposal.

Does the sound of a timer trigger negative feelings? Don’t worry, there are plenty of tools and apps that let you pick the sound you prefer, whether it’s your favorite song or the birds chirping. Make sure you choose a sound that you’ll welcome into your day – you’re going to be hearing a lot after all.

3. Don’t Skip the Breaks

When you start using the pomodoro productivity hack, you might be skeptical that you can achieve more by working less and be tempted to pass over the breaks. In other cases, once you get the hang of the Pomodoro Technique, you might think “wow, this works like a charm, I’m so productive!” and not want to pause for fear of losing your newly found motivation.

In either case, don’t make it a habit of avoiding your breaks. You feel energized precisely because of those pauses. Being flexible, however, is always a good idea. If you find yourself close to finishing a project when your timer goes off, feel free to complete it and then take a longer break.

4. Fight the Screen Magnet

We bet that once the timer for your pause rings, your hand is already reaching for your phone to scroll on your favorite social media platform. We know, cat and puppy videos are cute, however, trust us when we say that they won’t refresh you much.

The best thing you can do - especially if you work on a desk - is to get up, move around, get out in the sun, look outside the window, play with your pet, or have a snack. You can even use your pauses to incorporate household chores you usually put off, such as unloading the dishwasher, folding some laundry, or taking the trash out.

Put the Pomodoro Technique to Work at Your New Job

Make a great impression at your next job with your supercharged productivity thanks to the pomodoro method. Create a free candidate account in minutes and start receiving relevant job postings directly in your inbox today. Yes, that’s right! You can say goodbye to scrolling job ads for hours. Plus, our partner companies and recruiters will be able to contact you directly with new opportunities.

Copyright July 1, 2023 - Monster Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You may not copy, reproduce or distribute this article without the prior written permission of Monster Worldwide. This article first appeared on Monster.com. To see other career-related articles, visit https://www.monster.com/career-advice/.  

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