Pequea Trolley trail

The Pequea Trolley trail, also known as the Martic Forge trail, is one of the top places to hike in the winter in Lancaster County.

Editor's note: this story was originally published in January of 2022.

It's always a great time to hike in Lancaster County, with the county's several dozen trails open to the public year-round.

To get a good idea of the best trails to hike in the winter, LNP|LancasterOnline spoke with three avid hikers to find their picks.

- Kristin Holloway, of Pequea, runs the blog Lancaster County Day Hikes, which features photos and descriptions of several trails across Lancaster County, as well as other hiking preparedness tips for everyone from beginners to those well-seasoned in the hiking world. She has hiked since she was little.

- Ryan DeLutis is a stay-at-home dad who lives in Manheim Township and runs the Instagram and YouTube channel "Hiker Dude Dad." DeLutis chronicles his personal hiking journeys and takes videos so people know what to expect on given trails. He has hiked for five years.

- Dustin Underkoffler, of Conoy Township, describes himself as an outdoor enthusiast. He documents his hikes on his Instagram, @dunderkolancco, and says that "you don't need to travel great distances for those glamorous shots people envy."

Here are these three avid hikers' picks for the best winter trails to hike in Lancaster County.

Pequea Trolley Line

The Pequea Trolley Line trail, sometimes referred to as the Martic Forge trail, is part of the 11-mile Conestoga Trail along River Road and Route 324 in Martic Township, is one of Holloway's favorite trails for winter hikes.

"There are some rapids, which are really pretty," says Holloway, who hiked at the Martic Forge trail after early January's snowstorm. 

"It was just really nice with all the snow, and the water," Holloway says. "There are icicles that are coming down all over rocks, because there's a lot of water dripping. And it's just a nice, even-level path. You don't need a whole lot, you just need some snow boots, something waterproof."

Underkoffler also recommends this trail, saying it's "a short, easy hike."

The trail goes along the Pequea Creek and offers a look at the Pequea Gorge, also known as Suzy's Hole, a once-popular swimming hole owned by PPL.

- Where: Along the Conestoga Trail, at River Road and Route 324.

- Difficulty rating: Easy. There are a few creek crossings, however.

- Distance: About 2.5 miles.

Muddy Run Lakeshore Trail

This nearly 4-mile trail in Martic Township circles a lake, which freezes over in the winter time.

"It takes you all around the lake, so when it's frozen, it's really pretty," Holloway says.

AllTrails, a website dedicated to hiking trails across the United States, describes the Muddy Run Lakeshore Trail as a "moderate" trail, meaning it's not the best start for beginners.

"It's a little more challenging, it's a little more rocky and there are some roots, so it's not as stable to walk on. You have to kind of watch your footing," Holloway says.

- Where: 172 Bethesda Church Road, Martic Township

- Difficulty rating: Medium. 

- Distance: About 3.8 miles.

Kelly's Run Trail

Also part of the Conestoga Trail, Kelly's Run in Holtwood is known as a tricky but rewarding trail, especially in the winter months.

All three hikers we spoke with recommended this trail in some regard.

"That's one of my favorite hikes, just in general," Holloway says. "But it really is beautiful when there's snow on the ground. Icicles that are taller than you are, on some of these rocks."

This is a more difficult trail and not recommended for those who are unexperienced or lack proper winter hiking gear. There are a lot of water crossings, Holloway says. 

"It's challenging without the snow, but then it's really challenging when you add the snow," Holloway says. "Proper footwear is really important."

Underkoffler says to stay by the Pollinator Park, as "it can get icy if you go down in" where the water is.

DeLutis, a self-proclaimed outlook lover, also recommended Kelly's Run to get to the Holtwood Pinnacle.

"Holtwood Pinnacle is a great view over the Susquehanna River," DeLutis says. "The view north is unparalleled."

- Where: 9 New Village Road, Holtwood.

- Difficulty rating: Hard.

- Distance: 3.8 miles.

Horseshoe Trail

The Horseshoe Trail is a nearly 4-mile trail near Lititz that goes from Furnace Hills Pike to Horseshoe Trail Road.

DeLutis's favorite part of the trail is the area from The Pretzel Hut to Eagle Rock, which is about 1.25 miles each way. 

"The view from Eagle Rock is best viewed in the winter," DeLutis says. "You can see past Schafferstown, Myerstown and all the way to the Blue Mountain Ridge. The view is completely blocked when there are leaves on the trees."

- Where: Starts at the Pretzel Hut, 2224 Furnace Hills Pike, Newmanstown.

- Difficulty rating: Medium.

- Distance: 2.5 miles.

Speedwell Forge Hiking Trail

The Speedwell Forge Hiking Trail is a 3-mile trail near Lititz at the Speedwell Forge County Park. 

"There is a little bit of everything," says DeLutis, naming streams, climbs, woods, wildlife, and sometimes, fenced-in bulls. 

It's especially a good trail for the wintertime because "the stream ices a bit and the lower angle of the sun coming through the trees creates amazing sun rays," DeLutis says. 

- Where: 480 Speedwell Forge Road, Lititz.

- Difficulty rating: Easy.

- Distance: 3 miles.

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